

The Watertown Area PACH Program provides complimentary snacks and meals to students who may need additional food resources over the weekends during the school year.

Any child in grades Pre-K through Grade 12, enrolled in any Watertown or Codington County School or Headstart may participate in the Watertown Area PACH Program. There are no other eligibility requirements.

To register, simply complete this consent form and mail it to the address listed below. Consent Forms will be accepted anytime during the school year and children will be served on a first-come-first-served basis. Consent forms are also available at each school. Contact your building principal or counselor.

If you have more than one child in school, you only have to submit one form, listing all your children and the schools they attend. This information will be kept confidential.

Once your Consent Form is received, your child’s name will be added to the list of students eligible for the Watertown Area PACH Program. If the program has sufficient funds, she/he will begin to receive a supply of kid-friendly food at the end of each school week, available at your child’s school.

Our program extends into the summer months providing 1 food box monthly per child. Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are required to pick up the food box at the PACH distribution site.

2024 Summer PACH Registration & Consent Form

Follow instructions on the form for returning the form.

Please consider letting this terrific program help your family.


Call (605) 886-4427 or email watertownpach@gmail.com.